11. The Hand Injury

One day, my mother fell down the stairs and injured her hand and arm. My father suggested that they go to the hospital for x-rays to check for any fractures. As usual, my mother refused to go, fearing they might give her medication. Her arm and hand became swollen and blackened. She bandaged it and, unable to lower her arm because of the pain, she tied a large handkerchief around her neck and forearm to keep it raised and bent.

During those days, a cousin of my father, who was a medical doctor, came to visit us. He was also aware of my mother's testimony, but he asked her: “Commare [meaning lady, said in a friendly way] Maria, what happened to your arm?” My mother replied, “I fell down the stairs, rolling all the way down! But thank God nothing serious happened.” The doctor asked, “Who bandaged your arm with that splint?” She answered, “I prayed to the Lord and felt that I should do this! I’m sure He has helped me, but in any case, may His will be done.” The doctor examined her blackened and swollen hand and said, “I recommend you go to the hospital for treatment, otherwise you risk losing your hand to amputation.”

My mother replied, “The Lord can put bones back into place too. If it is His will that I die, it’s all right with me, because I will go to Him.” The doctor, bewildered and perhaps a little annoyed, said, “Do as you wish,” and left.

After some time, my father's cousin returned for another visit and asked, “Commare Maria, how is your hand?” She replied playfully, “Actually, I can’t move it!” He said, “Didn’t I tell you to go and get it treated? Let’s hope it doesn’t cause more problems now!”

However, my mother could indeed move her arm, and she said, “Look how great the Lord is. This arm feels stronger than the other, even though you can still see where it was broken!” The doctor had no choice but to acknowledge that her arm was healed, and to admit that God is truly great. Even in this situation, she proclaimed the message of salvation in Jesus, saying: “If you give your heart to the Lord and confess your sins, He can do these things for you too!” That doctor’s mother gave her heart to the Lord, was baptized, and is now with Him in heaven. After this testimony from my mother, the doctor’s aunt and her husband were also saved (for those who know them, they are Brother Quarato and his wife).

How many great works the Lord has done over all these years, and how many people have given their hearts to Him! Mama didn’t have any exceptional abilities but was simply an instrument used by the Great Teacher and Lord. She loved the Lord with all her heart and desired to speak of God's love to everyone she met.

Glory to God!